Friday, May 8, 2009

We are moving!!... Logan at 8 months

Well Bryan got the phone call yesterday from the Monte Carlo and yes he got the job! So we are moving back home!!! So now we need to get everything situated and its alittle We are meeting with a realtor on Monday to put the house up for sale, Bryan found a place for us to live in Vegas so hopefully everything will go alittle smoother than it did when we moved to NC.

Bryan is going to move first, then we are going to move after the kids finish school and get everything else completed here in NC so everyone should be in Vegas by July.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Miller Family Coming back to the West Coast????

Well the question of the year is.. The Miller Family coming back to the West Coast? Well stay tuned! It could be a great way to end the year for the whole family!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Took this picture on 12-3
Logans Thanksgiving 2008

Well we are totally picture crazy with Logan, he is now 3 months and doing great! He is laughing, smiling and starting to grab at things. We took pictures of his first Thanksgiving in his outfit and a picture lastnight while Logan was in his Christmas PJ's with his Babys first Christmas hat.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Logan at 10 weeks

Logan is growing like a weed! We bought him a Bumbo seat and he loves sitting there watching everyone and looking at all the colors. We started decorating for the holidays so we bought a Pooh for the fireplace and took a picture of him sitting in his Bumbo infront of Pooh.
We took Logan to the doctor for his 2 week checkup and his first round of shots, boy he was UPSET! His checkup went great, he is at the 50% for height and weight.

We will post pictures as soon as the website is back up and running

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Logan is already 6 weeks old!

Logan is already 6 weeks old and is growing like a weed. He still has his full head of black hair and the blue eyes. We are hoping they stay blue! He was already 9lbs 5oz at 4 weeks so we definately think he is well over 10lbs. He had some problems with his formula so we switched him to a gentler kind. However its not helping our poor little man is gassy all the time and we have bought stock in the Mylicon drops. LOL. Logan is a little colicky he cries about 3 hours during the day and about 2 straight hours at night. He is smiling at us now which is awesome. He is a mommas boy right now when Bryan holds him and he hears me he will look for me. We took some pics of our little man and his first Halloween is coming up.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Logans first few nights at home

Well our first 2 nights at home with Logan have been very eventfull. He is wanting a bottle anywhere from 1-2 hours between feedings. Logan has his nights and days mixed up so hopefully that will change soon. Logan had his first bath at home lastnight and I took a great picture of him with his eyes wide open.