Monday, August 25, 2008

A quick update 8-25-08

Well we thought we would do a quick update on the family since we have not written a blog in months. We are still waiting on Logan's arrival, he is just enjoying hanging out and not wanting to see the world. Peyton started Middle School today, Sarah started 5th grade today and next week Tyler will start Pre-Kindergarden and he is so excited to start school.
Bryan took his U.S. Border Patrol test last Friday, and things went well. We should know his test results in 2-4 weeks. 71 people applied and only 6 showed up to take the written test. If he passes it the next step will be the physical agility test. We are trying to get back to the west coast and if this happens we could be back closer to family so keep your fingers crossed!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Getting close

Well we have 9 days till Logans "due date", however the last doctors appt he was perfectly content in Brenda's belly. She was not thinned out or dialated at all. We are just playing the waiting game. She goes back to the doctors on Thursday. She has not been sleeping very well at all these last 2 months and its getting harder for her to walk around. Logan has been moving around like crazy, he does not like it when I put my hand on Brenda's belly he will kick it away. He is very active in the morning and at night. Hopefully he will make his entrance soon and hopefully its this month. He is playing stubborn just like his daddy!