Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Logan is already 6 weeks old!

Logan is already 6 weeks old and is growing like a weed. He still has his full head of black hair and the blue eyes. We are hoping they stay blue! He was already 9lbs 5oz at 4 weeks so we definately think he is well over 10lbs. He had some problems with his formula so we switched him to a gentler kind. However its not helping our poor little man is gassy all the time and we have bought stock in the Mylicon drops. LOL. Logan is a little colicky he cries about 3 hours during the day and about 2 straight hours at night. He is smiling at us now which is awesome. He is a mommas boy right now when Bryan holds him and he hears me he will look for me. We took some pics of our little man and his first Halloween is coming up.