Monday, January 21, 2008

Our Family 1-21-08

Today is our 2nd Anniversary! Tomorrow Brenda turns the big "30"! We went to the doctors today and YES Brenda is Pregnant 6 weeks and counting! The doctor said her uterus is a bit larger than 6 weeks so we are set up for an ultrasound next Tuesday the 29th and then we get to see little Baby "M". The doctor said there is a couple of reasons for this 1. twins 2. further along than 6 weeks so we will see! The kids are great Peyton will be 11 here in March and Sarah will be 10 this year and Tyler just turned 3 and he is doing so well with his schooling and his autism, we are so proud of him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice, very nice indeed. The kids are looking great, mom and dad arn't doing bad either. Brenda, were not going to vote just yes... only because were not that sure... it's 50-50 boy girls, not sure what it is for twins... Do you have a history of twins?

Our love to all..

Mom & Dad