Thursday, December 4, 2008

Took this picture on 12-3
Logans Thanksgiving 2008

Well we are totally picture crazy with Logan, he is now 3 months and doing great! He is laughing, smiling and starting to grab at things. We took pictures of his first Thanksgiving in his outfit and a picture lastnight while Logan was in his Christmas PJ's with his Babys first Christmas hat.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Logan at 10 weeks

Logan is growing like a weed! We bought him a Bumbo seat and he loves sitting there watching everyone and looking at all the colors. We started decorating for the holidays so we bought a Pooh for the fireplace and took a picture of him sitting in his Bumbo infront of Pooh.
We took Logan to the doctor for his 2 week checkup and his first round of shots, boy he was UPSET! His checkup went great, he is at the 50% for height and weight.

We will post pictures as soon as the website is back up and running

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Logan is already 6 weeks old!

Logan is already 6 weeks old and is growing like a weed. He still has his full head of black hair and the blue eyes. We are hoping they stay blue! He was already 9lbs 5oz at 4 weeks so we definately think he is well over 10lbs. He had some problems with his formula so we switched him to a gentler kind. However its not helping our poor little man is gassy all the time and we have bought stock in the Mylicon drops. LOL. Logan is a little colicky he cries about 3 hours during the day and about 2 straight hours at night. He is smiling at us now which is awesome. He is a mommas boy right now when Bryan holds him and he hears me he will look for me. We took some pics of our little man and his first Halloween is coming up.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Logans first few nights at home

Well our first 2 nights at home with Logan have been very eventfull. He is wanting a bottle anywhere from 1-2 hours between feedings. Logan has his nights and days mixed up so hopefully that will change soon. Logan had his first bath at home lastnight and I took a great picture of him with his eyes wide open.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

More pics of Logan

More pics of Logan

Here are some more pics of Logan from today...

Logan makes his arrival!

Finally Logan made is arrival, Brenda's water broke at 2:30am and we had Logan at 7:32am! He is 8lbs 7oz 22" tall, a full head of hair and he is going to have long eyelashes. Peyton, Sarah and Tyler came to the hospital sometime after to greet Logan he is amazing!

Monday, August 25, 2008

A quick update 8-25-08

Well we thought we would do a quick update on the family since we have not written a blog in months. We are still waiting on Logan's arrival, he is just enjoying hanging out and not wanting to see the world. Peyton started Middle School today, Sarah started 5th grade today and next week Tyler will start Pre-Kindergarden and he is so excited to start school.
Bryan took his U.S. Border Patrol test last Friday, and things went well. We should know his test results in 2-4 weeks. 71 people applied and only 6 showed up to take the written test. If he passes it the next step will be the physical agility test. We are trying to get back to the west coast and if this happens we could be back closer to family so keep your fingers crossed!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Getting close

Well we have 9 days till Logans "due date", however the last doctors appt he was perfectly content in Brenda's belly. She was not thinned out or dialated at all. We are just playing the waiting game. She goes back to the doctors on Thursday. She has not been sleeping very well at all these last 2 months and its getting harder for her to walk around. Logan has been moving around like crazy, he does not like it when I put my hand on Brenda's belly he will kick it away. He is very active in the morning and at night. Hopefully he will make his entrance soon and hopefully its this month. He is playing stubborn just like his daddy!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

10 weeks and counting

We have 10 weeks until Logan is born Brenda had her glucola test done a little late because our doctors office cannot seem to get one due date right, the results came back a little high they like it to be under 135 and hers was 138 so needless to say she had to do a 3 hr test and we are awaiting those results. This pregnancy is sure keeping us on our toes. Things are getting slowly inshapewith the nursery. Today we are having our babyshower and looks like its going to be a great turnout with all our friends. All the kids are getting excited about their new brother. We will keep everyone posted and add some pictures on the next blog.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our 20 week Appt

We had our 20 week appt and ultrasound today. The baby was very active and moving infact"he" yes he (ITS A BOY) was boxing the umbilical cord. Everything looked normal, he looked right at us. He is measuring like he is going to be tall and already is 15 ounces, he was sucking his hand and doing summersaults. The ultrasound also puts me at 21 weeks and 6 days and not 20 weeks so that has moved us up 2 weeks. After all this great happy news we find out that my doctor is leaving the practice and she is a great midwife too! I am going to miss her, but I chose another Nurse Midwife who is in the same practice and we see her in May. I also got the news that I have Placenta Previa which means the Placenta is laying low covering my cervix, they said that sometimes it migrates up as the baby grows however if it doesnt then I will have a C Section at about 35 weeks. This can cause bleeding and I am to call if I have any bleeding. Its a little scary because if I do start to bleed then they may take the baby no matter how far along I am. But for now I can keep doing things normally and see what happens. I also got the okay to go on a trip in May however the week we come back I cannot travel after that due to this complication. I called the doctors office again to ask more questions after I got home today and the nurse told me that they will repeat the ultrasound at 32 weeks unless the new nurse midwife wants to do it sooner when we see her in May and this early in the 2nd trimester they dont worry about this too much that 90% of the cases the placenta moves up and away and are able to deliver normally with no complications. We all are very excited, yes we wanted a girl ,but we are happy and looking forward to meeting this little guy. Peyton didnt have a preference but Sarah wanted a boy so she is the only girl. We are ready to shop for a little boy and now I can complete my registry at Babies R Us and add things to our Target Registry now that we know its a boy.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Baby Registry Part 2

Well we decided to go ahead and register at Target today after posting the first blog, we are going to go with the Winnie the Pooh theme for the baby. Its amazing on how much you can find for a baby and all the stuff you need. We are not going into "high price" items but you will see that the items we selected are very cute, and well needed. The registery is under Brenda Miller, Gastonia NC with my name in there of course :)~

Baby Registery

Well after several requests, we have finally registered for the baby. We are registered at Babys R Us. Register # 45355141 its under Brenda Miller (Gastonia NC). This is going to be a interesting thing for us, we are starting totally new on EVERYTHING! We will also be going to Target to register in the next few days, we will keep everyone posted!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Our 16 Week Check Up

Well everything is going well. We have a home doppler so we can listen to the heartbeat every night which is very cool. The heartbeat is b/w 130-140's. Brenda has her 20 week check up on April 24th and she will have the ultrasound then and hopefully we will find out what we are having. Brenda hasn't gained any weight at all however is showing alot! Looks like a basketball. Our AFP results came in and everything is normal no birth defects! Whoo hoo. She is measuring a week ahead of schedule so we are thinking that mid August this baby could make his or her appearance because the other kiddos came at 37 and 38weeks and the doctor says history repeats itself and we cannot wait! Baby Shower is being planned for June by one of her close friends. We already have our names picked out Boy: Logan Christopher Girl: Madison Grace.

Friday, February 22, 2008

2-22-08 Doctors Visit

Well today we had our 11 week doctor visit and everythings is looking great. We heard the heartbeat again today and the baby was a 140bmp. We set up the Down Syndrome test for sometime in the next 2 weeks. Our next appointment is on March 28th and we will know the sex of the baby!! So everyone keep voting, the poll is still open!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Baby "M" (Mystery)

Well we went to the doctors appointment today, Bryan and I couldn't sleep all last night we were so nervous, well I was more nervous I didnt want a repeat of last year, we had the ultrasound and we can rule out twins, there is only 1 little peanut in there with a strong heartbeat of 169bpm, we actually got to hear it today! THANK GOD!!!!! We are well there really isnt a word to describe how we are feeling "ecstatic" I guess would work. I am measuring 7wks and 4 days, we are keeping the due date at Sept 15th however I have always went only 37-38wks and not 40wks so we will make sure we are prepared the end of August for "Baby M". I have had a little morning sickness but not too bad just alot of mood swings and I am soooo tired! I am already showing a little bit believe it or not so no more jeans for me unless I unbutton them. So now for the next 7 months or so I will let Bryan take care of me! LOL!! So the poll is still open for Boy or a girl. I have my next check up on Feb 22nd. I had bloodwork done today so think the next appt is just a regular visit. We declined to get the CF test (Cystic Fibrosis)and the Down Syndrome Who wants to worry 9 months! I don't!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Our Family 1-21-08

Today is our 2nd Anniversary! Tomorrow Brenda turns the big "30"! We went to the doctors today and YES Brenda is Pregnant 6 weeks and counting! The doctor said her uterus is a bit larger than 6 weeks so we are set up for an ultrasound next Tuesday the 29th and then we get to see little Baby "M". The doctor said there is a couple of reasons for this 1. twins 2. further along than 6 weeks so we will see! The kids are great Peyton will be 11 here in March and Sarah will be 10 this year and Tyler just turned 3 and he is doing so well with his schooling and his autism, we are so proud of him!