Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Our 16 Week Check Up

Well everything is going well. We have a home doppler so we can listen to the heartbeat every night which is very cool. The heartbeat is b/w 130-140's. Brenda has her 20 week check up on April 24th and she will have the ultrasound then and hopefully we will find out what we are having. Brenda hasn't gained any weight at all however is showing alot! Looks like a basketball. Our AFP results came in and everything is normal no birth defects! Whoo hoo. She is measuring a week ahead of schedule so we are thinking that mid August this baby could make his or her appearance because the other kiddos came at 37 and 38weeks and the doctor says history repeats itself and we cannot wait! Baby Shower is being planned for June by one of her close friends. We already have our names picked out Boy: Logan Christopher Girl: Madison Grace.

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